Monday, December 31, 2012

Hello is harder than Goodbye. Hello holds the "please don't ever leave", and the "I wonder how long this will last". Goodbyes are simple, they hold the "for now", and the "I bet we'll see each other again". 
So cherish the Goodbyes, they are the the good in Hello.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Someone once said, "never look for your other half. It takes two whole people to make a relationship work."

That's what I want to find, a whole person. I've been with those who make me feel like half of a person. I want a whole one this time.

Is there anything wrong with wanting to be fought for? For a man to look at me and say, "I want you, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to prove that."? I want to be chased, I want to be pursued. Why is it that men can't see when you're standing still? How is it that you can look at a man and say "I won't chase you, I need you to show Me that you want this to work," and they just stand there, not doing anything, not coming after you when you are so clearly standing in the middle of an open space, arms open, waiting for him to carry you away( all of this is hypothetical of course). But really!? What are they not getting?!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I wish I had some sort of alert system in my head. But not one that would just warn me not to fall for the wrong guys. One that would actually keep me from falling for them.
I want to be immune to them. No matter how cute, or charming. No matter how good I feel I might be for them. They usually aren't good for me.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Love hurts.
I found this out a while ago, but never truly realized it.
I loved him more passionately than I knew I could. And even though I was only seventeen, it hurt so bad.
I watched him fall in love with someone else, gave him advice when he needed it, and was there when his heart was broken.
When I had my chance to be with him, I kissed him with a fervor that was long overdo, but past its expiration date. The ferocity that I submitted belied my true feelings. It was like pouring a glass of soda, then waiting for all the carbonation to fizzle out before you drink it. Yet, still expecting it to taste the same.
It struck me, and I didn't know what to do. I spent ten years caring so much for him. Now, even though I care, and a part of my heart still loves him, I don't want to be with him anymore. My soda has lost its bubbles, and it just doesn't taste right anymore.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

You know those songs, the ones about girls that the lead singer saw in a crowd, met at their concert, or ran into while they were out with friends.
Have you ever wondered if those songs were about you? Seriously, what if you were the girl whose eyes met his and inspired an adorable sweet song about him wanting to see you again.
I mean, why not? Happens all the time right?
I'd love to be that girl. I'll admit that I believe I am that girl for....well, I let you wonder. Not that I really think his song is about me, could be. Couldn't it?

Friday, October 12, 2012

I've made a decision. Not necessarily a big one, maybe not even a very important one.
I have often found myself in a situation where I meet a guy who is cute, intelligent and funny. But unfortunately he is not very smart, thinks he can get by on cute and let's be honest, funny is nice, but it doesn't cover the flaws.
These boys appear to think that I am happy being their "for now" girl. They say they care, they say I'm "different" from the girls they've dated -_-. Bull.
I have come to realize that they are treating me like a GIRL. Not "female", a Girl!
Some silly airheaded little lady that is just so dang happy to be noticed that I won't realize that I am being walked on.

That is my shallow teeniebopper complaint...

However, I am a woman. "We" are women, and as women why should we settle for boys?
I do not want someone I have to raise, to babysit, or to coddle. Every woman desires a strong, honest, comforting...MAN. So, I declare that as women, we should not settle for anything less.

What happened to Prince Charming? Knights in shining armor? It seems that every guy is stuck in squirehood. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be fought for.
For once, rather than being told that I am cared for, loved, wanted. I want to be shown. I don't simply want to be chased, I want to be pursued. I want to be sought after by a man who knows exactly what he wants. 

I have yet to find such a man, nevertheless, I have the strongest faith that he will manage to come to me. Because if I am dreaming of this man, perhaps he is out there somewhere dreaming of me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Give Me Something to Remember

If I could make this night last forever,
I’d do anything to keep you here.
But for now I’m going to let you walk away.

So give me something to remember
I’ll be better off that way.
Hold me until the stars begin to shimmer,
Make tonight a chance to run away.

We’ll dance one last time before the night ends,
Then we’ll leave this.
Take my hand I’ll lead you out into the darkness,
For one last kiss.

I’ll give you something to remember,
If you’d like I’ll hold on for just a little longer.
Close your eyes I’ll keep you safe,
I won’t let anyone take you away.

If I could make this night last forever
I’d do whatever it takes.
But for now I’ll let you walk away.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

There is something about being held that makes every insecurity vanish from your mind.
You may be falling headfirst into a seemingly bottomless canyon at a hundred miles an hour,
yet you can take comfort in the fact that you are wrapped in his arms, 
and he is falling at the same speed that you are.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

There are those people who melt your heart.
Then they walk away.
But there are also people who will melt your heart,
See what they've done, scoop you up, mix you with some other ingrediants,
And turn you into something delicious that can be shared with others.