Saturday, December 29, 2012

Someone once said, "never look for your other half. It takes two whole people to make a relationship work."

That's what I want to find, a whole person. I've been with those who make me feel like half of a person. I want a whole one this time.

Is there anything wrong with wanting to be fought for? For a man to look at me and say, "I want you, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to prove that."? I want to be chased, I want to be pursued. Why is it that men can't see when you're standing still? How is it that you can look at a man and say "I won't chase you, I need you to show Me that you want this to work," and they just stand there, not doing anything, not coming after you when you are so clearly standing in the middle of an open space, arms open, waiting for him to carry you away( all of this is hypothetical of course). But really!? What are they not getting?!

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